Wednesday, March 28, 2007

today i followed 'someone i know who is anorexic' to National University Hospital to the department of neuroscience. because she is anorexic, she needs to have weekly blood tests and fortnightly visits to the nutritionist and psychologist.

anyway, we saw this woman who was really anorexic and she had to sit on a wheelchair because she was so bad that she had not enough muscle to support herself that she could not walk anymore. her veins were popping up and the muscles in her arms were all so visible that it was quite painful to watch and her skin looked very loose. her legs and ankles were swollen (it is a side effect of anorexia) because her heart or kidneys were not functioning properly. she had very little hairs on her head.

it was really sad to see because that woman would probably have passed the point of no return. 'someone i know who is anorexic' would have gone down the same path if not for seeking treatment and visits to the doctor. i really hope that no one would want to go through the same thing and that 'someone i know who is anorexic' would really wake up from her anorexia and most importantly break off FULLY from it because anorexia is chronic and it may recur.

anyway i will give you more details on 'someone i know' and her battle with anorexia another time. in the meantime. rememeber to love yourself(:

p/s: i actually wanted to post pictures of 'someone i know who is anorexic' but i decided against it even though we know we will get a higher mark, it would not be morally right. so we shall stand for what is right.

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