Monday, May 7, 2007

Hello! I am feeling quite sad now, because bio blog will have officially ended in about 4 hours. ): I'm also feeling quite 'unfaithful', because I'm attempting to absorb my chemistry textbook through diffusion while typing this. (Well, at least diffusion is bio!)

Anyway, since its the last official (or second-to-last, depending on how fast amelia types) post for our beloved biology blog (watch out: attack of the alliterations!), I thought it should be sentimental! (:

I've had a lot of fun posting on our bio blog, and loading the music and everything :D Its also been really entertaining and amusing reading amelia&peiwen&cheryl's post, and, I must admit, informative. SO, I'm going to miss our little pet project, but don't worry, we won't abandon it completely(did you really think we were that heartless?!?!), there will be updates from time to time, just not as regularly.

To conclude the whole scope of this blog, we just want to warn everyone out there that unhealthy eating habits are really really bad for you. If you keep it up, you might go through a lot of unnecessary and undesirable stuff (hospital trips, heart attacks etc; - refer to previous posts), and we all don't want that to happen.

Basically, we want everyone out there to eat to live! Not live to eat and gorge all day long, and not live to starve and not eat anything at all. There's gotta be some kind of balance that you can achieve, which most everyone out there has probably already found, or will find.

SO, keep yourself healthy, fit and eagerly awaiting the next wonderful post.
Hopefully this blog will see the light of day again sometime soon! :D

PS: Everyone pray that we get a good mark please! (((((:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.