Monday, April 2, 2007

Hello! Like Amelia said, yesterday we watched this show, 'Help me, Help my child' on Channel NewsAsia. I thought the title was quite irrelevant cause there was nothing about helping them on the show!

Okay so the screen was like blurry and shaking and static-ky and i was getting a headache because of it! But I still watched on in order to gain a good grade for BIO! (: (Do you see the sacrifices we're making here, Mr Johari!)

Anyway, basically the show was about two kids and their anorexia.
I shan't elaborate on the facts since Amelia already did that. So I shall tell you about what I felt!

Haha okay I thought it was really really sad&depressing&scary. I felt really bad for the kids because they were like, dying, and they couldn't do anything about it!

Its not like they weren't trying, because we could see that they were making an effort to get better. But its like Amelia said, sometimes Katie was taken over by her 'anorexic self', and Tron was just overcome by his fear of choking to death.

Katie's case sort of reminds me of that book review I did on 'Skinny'. Its about the same, Giselle hearing a voice in her head which makes her do those things, and Katie being controlled by her 'anroexic self'.

Tron's anorexia seems really unique to me, because he has a real, concrete reason to fear eating, instead of just being afraid of becoming fat like most superficial girls. (Not that all anorexics are superficial. Some of them have real psychological problems.) I felt really sad for him because he didn't get a chance to see his beloved grandmother before she died, and I can't imagine what it must be like to be resenting your parents every second for her death.

From the show, I realized that anorexia cases often have a trigger cause (illness, traumatic event) and the root of anorexia often goes much deeper than a simple fear of growing fat.

Its also very heartwarming to see how their families support them, and put on a smile for them even though they're being torn apart inside. I was really glad to see that Tron got better, and that Katie was taking the steps toward recovery.

To everyone out there: Remember that when you become anorexic, you're not the only one that suffers. Everyone else around you is affected too. Please don't make your loved ones go through that torture, don't become anorexic!


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