Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Today I shall have a picture post cause our blog seems to be lacking in pictures!

Okay first, HEALTHY FOOD! (Stuff normal people eat!)

That doesn't really seem like something I would eat, but its healthy! :D

Image from http://www.dorsetforyou.com/media/images/6/b/Avarietyofvegetables_1.jpg!

Mmmmh that looks quite...edible!

Image from http://www.good2gofoods.net/g2g-top/healthy-food-vancouver_08.jpg!

Image from http://www.kidcyber.com.au/IMAGES/food%20pyramid3.jpeg!

Okay this is a food pyramid! Stuff that we learnt in home econs! But its good to know! I realized my fruit&veggie intake are way lower than they should be! ):

Now, unhealthy food! (Stuff people like me eat!)

That just looks sinful!

Image from http://www.lebenswichtig.de/webpics/mcdonalds/fries_b.jpg!

Gosh look at all the oil seeping out of the noodles! It looks gooooooood.

Image from http://onokinegrindz.typepad.com/ono_kine_grindz/images/charkwayteow.jpg!

I haven't had that in ages!

Image from http://www.soocool.com/gallery/photos/exhibitregular/01_RotiPrata.jpg!

Chocolate mousse cake! :D

Image from http://www.dessert.net.au/userimages/user1177_1155656732.jpg!

It really not fair, how all the good foods are always unhealthy & fattening!

Okay we shall now compare normal, healthy people with both anorexic and obese individuals.

Healthy people!

Image from http://ils.unc.edu/~blandau/inls181/problemsets/photoshop/images/fitpeople.jpg!
An anorexic
Image from http://www.xes.cx/pics-misc/thinspiration_5.jpg!

Obese Person

Image from http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/media/images/42026000/jpg/_42026140_obesity416.jpg!

So, would you rather be healthy, trim and fit or stick-thin and afraid to face the world, or have three stomachs?

There's not much to think about, is there?


P.S: Remember to tag us! (:

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