hey, what's the difference between a hungry man and a glutton??
ANS: one longs to eat the other eats too long
hahaha ok la. not thaaatt funny. heh. =X mm k ANYWAY. do you knowww what will happen if you eat too much carbohydrates? YOU GROW FAT :O
Eating fat does not make you fat. It's your body's response to excess carbohydrates in your diet that makes you fat.
you see, your body has a limited capacity to store excess carbohydrates, but it can easily convert those excess carbohydrates into excess body fat. the total storage capacity of the body for carbohydrate is really quite limited. If you're an average person, you can store about 300-400g of carbohydrate in your muscles, but you can't get at that carbohydrate. In the liver, where carbohydrates are accessible for glucose conversion, you can store only about 60-90g and it represents your total reserve capacity to keep the brain working properly.
Once the glycogen levels are filled in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbohydrates have just one fate: to be converted into fat and stored in the adipose, that is, fatty, tissue. In a nutshell, even though carbohydrates themselves are fat-free, excess carbohydrates ends up as excess fat. That's not the worst of it. Any meal or snack high in carbohydrates will generate a rapid rise in blood glucose. To adjust for this rapid rise, the pancreas secretes the hormone insulin into the bloodstream. Insulin then lowers the levels of blood glucose.
The problem is that insulin is essentially a storage hormone, evolved to put aside excess carbohydrate calories in the form of fat in case of future famine. So the insulin that's stimulated by excess carbohydrates aggressively promotes the accumulation of body fat. In other words, when we eat too much carbohydrate, we're essentially sending a hormonal message, via insulin, to the body (actually, to the adipose cells). The message: "Store fat."
Hold on; it gets EVEN WORSE. Not only do increased insulin levels tell the body to store carbohydrates as fat, they also tell it not to release any stored fat. This makes it impossible for you to use your own stored body fat for energy. So the excess carbohydrates in your diet not only make you fat, they make sure you STAY FAT . ohmygosh. WA DOUBLE BLOW.
yup. so that's what happens when you consume too much carbohydrates. okay. let's end this post with something to make you smile! uh.
why did the student eat his homework?
ANS: because his teacher told him it was a piece of cake. :)
hahaha :D okay, i'll post on PROTEINS another day. byebye :)
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